Saturday, May 14, 2011

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  • QCassidy352
    Jul 12, 10:41 AM
    seccondly, it makes no business sense. Apple knows people are holding out for merom.

    not really. People are buying macbooks in droves. Only a very few people (the numbers seem inflated on a board like this) are holding out.

    I can build my own PC for way less than the cost of a mac so I'm switching to XP, blah blah blah

    really?? You don't say! Well stop the presses; apparently it costs less to custom build a PC than to buy a premade computer! My goodness, this is news. I think Apple, Dell, HP, Sony, and all the rest should shut down their factories now because it's clear that they can no longer do business in light of this development.

    But you know, now I'm thinking that maybe some people don't have the time, know-how, or patience to build their own PCs. And I'm thinking that they like having warranties for when something goes wrong and they don't know how to fix it. And I'm thinking that for the majority of users the friendliness of the OS is going to be about 1000x more significant than having the latest omg-wtf-bbq-roxxor!!11!1! graphics card. So good for you that you're happy with a high-end home-built XP box, but please don't act like people are stupid for going with a professionally built and supported machine that does everything they need and runs a better OS.
    Moving on... the issue of a headless-upgradable-imac (which really isn't an imac at all because imacs are pretty much defined as being all-in-ones and non-upgradable, so I'll call it a low-end tower) has come up a lot recently. Everyone in this thread seems very sure that apple will release such a product, but I'm quite skeptical. I don't see who it appeals to. Demanding gamers, as macenforcer points out, are much better off building their own machine. Pros will want a true pro tower, not a stripped down version. Students would do better with a space saving, all-in-one design like an imac. "Average home users" like my mom will never upgrade anything (except *maybe* the RAM) so should get imacs or mac minis. The target market for this low-end tower seems to be knowledgable consumers who like upgrading. There are many such people on this board, but they're a comparatively rare breed in the real world.

    Also, apple is not going to have very high margins on such a machine, I'd wager. After all, it's a budget tower, right? But the people who buy them are going to keep them and upgrade them (with 3rd party hardware) for a very long time. So apple has one initial sale at low margins and then doesn't see that consumer again for years. If I were apple I'd either want to make a really big sale up front (like with a mac pro), or sell a not-very upgradable machine that will have you coming back in 2 or 3 years rather than 5 or 6.

    So IMO, while this low-end tower would fill a gap in apple's line up and be ideal for many on this board, I'm not sure it's a gap that many consumers fit in to, or that apple particularly cares about filling.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 23, 05:14 PM
    im not a phone genius but i am pretty sure the Android is cross-carrier. If it surpasses the iPhone any time soon, it will be because of that. But i guarantee that if the iPhone went cross-carrier as well, we would see a HUGE jump in sales in which Android will plummet. Think about it. a REALLY BIG reason a lot of people go with the Android is because the iPhone isnt available on their carrier.


    iPhone has already gone cross carriers in other parts of the world and we did not see a huge jump.

    Android is going to pass the iPhone because of choices and on multiple types of hardware. Some people want a hardware keyboard other want all touch screen, Some want smaller sizes and so on.

    iPhone is take it or leave it. Android phones you have a lot more choices on hardware.

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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 24, 11:49 PM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis

    I find that statement extremely ironic given that there's a thread two below (as of 12:49am on March 25, 2011) that is on the decline/ death of organized religion. :p

    and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.

    Proof? Or is this amateur hour on PRSI and we're allowed to make baseless claims/ assertions?

    I have no doubt some of the listed were/ are mainstream Catholics.

    However, without proof, 'some' could mean 99% or 10%. IMO that's a big difference.

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  • roland.g
    Sep 12, 06:33 PM
    That's what I thought when I saw that they weren't specific about WiFi ... simply calling it "802.11 wireless networking" instead of specifically stating it was "802.11 A/B/G".

    but that brings up the point of what's sending to it. Doesn't matter that it has new tech to recieve at higher bandwidth if the computer streaming to it only sends out at 802.11g.

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  • puma1552
    Mar 15, 09:23 AM
    Yes. All the fission stopped almost 72 hours ago.

    I shouldn't even be taking the bait from someone who's posting with such a jackass style, who doesn't even know hydrogen is flammable (helium my ass), but here's a nuclear expert and fellow telling it to you, exactly like it is:

    Yes. Radiation levels detected outside the Japan plant remain within legal limits.

    I don't think you understand how minute that still is. I don't think you understand that it still would need to be magnitudes higher to even be remotely harmful.

    Move along.


    As was quoted in my quote of the quoted article you quoted:

    You want to be pedantic about 'front door' and 'outside the plant'?

    I think we all already know without requiring puma's three degrees in atom science that the further away from it you are the less radioactivity there is. Hence the word 'evacuate'.

    What the hell are you talking about? You don't even make any sense.

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  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Jul 8, 08:25 AM
    After suffering for 2 years I ditched and went with the HTC Incredible on Verizon.

    Is the battery life as bad as I've heard? I think I prefer the Incredible to the Droid X (mainly because of size), but I hate not being able to make it through the day without charging my phone.

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  • Ukrainian Easter Egg Design

  • kdawg
    Apr 6, 11:39 PM
    Finder - It works different from explorer. Not better, Not worse. Different. Both have features that the other is lacking

    The lack of embedded shortcut keys in system menus. Especially to activate them File Open Etc Etc. I used them all the time... Especially with a dialog box for Open or Cancel or Save an Cancel on Pop-up dialog boxes. You cannot tab or arrow through the choices.

    No right click without an external mouse. Apple's solution on the multitouch pad is buggy - Still drives me nuts after all these years.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 12:16 PM
    I'm not trying to further some Christian agenda or proselytise. I'm saying these things because I would rather support Christianity/Judaism/Atheism/whatever than Islam.

    These days you'd be hard pressed to find someone being charged in a Western democracy for blasphemy but it's an almost every day occurrence in the Muslim world. The only time it happens in the West is when someone insults Islam, then it's classed as hate speech.

    Blasphemy is only one aspect of religious control and oppression in society.

    While faith is used as the reason behind the denial of rights associated with sexuality, family planning, education, electoral representation, it's ridiculous to pretend that Western Christianity is any more benign than Islam. You just notice it less, because your culture is steeped in it.

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  • Ukrainian Easter Egg

  • ct2k7
    Oct 7, 03:27 PM
    What are you guys talking about?
    Didn't Adobe just show a new Flash IDE that generates native iPhone Apps ?

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  • Stella
    Aug 29, 10:58 PM
    You sound like George Bush...

    Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Period.

    Exactly, George Bush is a complete and utter moran. He thinks that ( american ) people shouldn't change their life styles.

    Well, a few more Caterinas ( spelling ) will change their views.

    The seas are heating up which means more hurricanes.... and I'm a firm believer that humans are in part ( not totally ) responsible for global warming ( that may actually result in Global Cooling ) - you've only got to look at weather statistics since the first industrial revolution. Patterns of weather, seasons have significantly changed since then.

    Why is it that the majority of scientists have come forward with positive data proving global warming ( human influenced ), and then GW Bush with his small band of 'advisors' come along and reject their findings...

    ... :rolleyes: ...

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  • iliketyla
    Apr 20, 06:37 PM
    Except for the inferior interface, battery life, apps and usability you mean.. Otherwise they are exactly the same!

    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

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  • darkplanets
    Mar 11, 06:38 PM
    And this is why we have passive cooling and shutdown systems, so you don't have to rely on mechanical means for core safety. It is my understanding that these reactors should have control rods to pretty much kill the core, however since it's a BWR that doesn't mean the heat will stop. I'll bet money that the safety systems aren't up to par, and since these were constructed in the 80's there certainly isn't any passive control systems.

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  • Pysanky~ Ukrainian Easter Eggs

  • JackAxe
    Sep 26, 04:22 PM
    This coming year is going to be great. A MacPro with 8 cores along with UB versions of the software packages I use daily. What more could a peep like me ask for... Well, Pixar could offer mult-threading support for Renderman Maya plug-in, that would be nice. :o

    Good things come to those who wait. :)


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    Sep 12, 06:54 PM
    Have fun sitting down to your computer to record shows. I get the vision, I reallly do, and I wanted Apple to pull it off better than anyone. But having to record HD content from one piece of hardware, convert it on my computer, load it onto iTunes and stream it to another piece of hardware (iTV) isn't exactly user friendly. The fact of the matter is, Apple doesn't really want you recording TV. So, while not impossible, you do have to jump through a few hoops. Having used TiVo for years, I would never convert to such a complicated system. If Apple had a DVR, they'd also have my business.

    You are making a lot of Assumptions regarding complications. The addition of USB to iTV makes a host of third party addons possible that could easily surpass Tivo.

    Wait and see -- it happened quickly with the iPod 4 years ago. It will be cheaper too -- no monthly fees and all managed by Front Row.

    Now that is EASY!

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:10 AM
    These gay kids need examples of hope and success.

    Um, they're everywhere. Statistics show gays have higher incomes. Gays are 3% of the population, yet you can't name a single new show on TV in the past few years that doesn't have at least one gay character.

    They're doing fine, and I find it hard to believe kids aren't already seeing examples of that on the internet.

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  • hcho3
    Apr 20, 05:13 PM
    LTE is still not available on many areas in the US. Only Verizon has it. The first chipsets will have bugs and battery life issues. It's clear that apple doesn't want to try out first generation LTE chipsets.

    One analyst asked about iPhone 5 release date and Tim was like, "Dude, we don't comment on future products because all of those copycats are going to copy. In fact, they are probably listening to this conference right now. So, we are not going to say anything."

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  • gugy
    Sep 20, 06:22 PM
    I think the ITV just needs to be able to stream video (HDTV and standard), Photos and music.
    My Mac is the hub, a place where I can record my TV shows using elgato and then stream it to ITV. Use itunes to buy movies, tv shows and music and then stream it to my ITV.

    Simplicity is the key. I don't need ITV to have a superdrive or DVD. I have that on my Mac. Plus everybody nowadays have their own DVD player on the entertainment room. I have Laserdisc player, CD player, VHS, dishnetwork DVR and a receiver. I am not planning to get rid of anything.

    ITV will be a nice addition to my entertainment system to do a single specific thing: Talk to my Mac on the other room wirelessly or by Ethernet. That's all folks.

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  • alexf
    Aug 29, 11:36 AM
    My family, two parents and two kids, have purchased 6 ipods over the years.

    Replaced batteries on two of them.

    Never thrown any of them away.

    Still use all of them. Why would anyone throw an out dated ipod away?

    Try to think in the long term: where do you think these iPods will end up in 20 years? I highly doubt anyone will still be using an iPod they bought a quarter century ago.

    I am afraid that, in that sense, iPods are very disposable.

    Although the situation is becoming much more urgent with the rapic climate changes that are happening in the world faster than predicted, much of environmentalism is about thinking in the long term, and the environmental impact that company products and policy can have.

    And in this regard, Apple indeed scores very low, which only goes to show that they are really no different than a typical corporation that cares far more about its immediate profit than the earth and its future generations.

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  • ddtlm
    Oct 7, 11:14 AM
    I'd be more impressed with these "tests" if the pro-Mac cowards had used a top-of-the-line Athlon system (1.8ghz is available for duals, 2.13ghz is pretty much available for singles) or a top-of-the-line P4 (2.0ghz? haha!). The 2.0ghz P4 runs on the old 400mhz FSB whereas there is a 533mhz FSB P4 clocking at 2.8ghz available. They also make no mention of memory type used on any platform. For the P4, PC1066 RDRAM is tops, for the Athlon the new nForce2 with 2 channels of 333mhz DDR is tops (although I will admit that chipset still has a one-month ETA). OK, so maybe use the VIA KT400 for the Athlon, it's pretty good.

    And what's his quote about a dual Xeon 2200 probably being top dog? Other than the fact you can get Xeons at 2.8ghz as well...

    Anyway I think these tests are crap. But they will suffice so that "Macs are fastest!" freakos can keep them in mind and make vauge statements about how Macs and PCs are about the same speed in "tests". (Those people annoy me.)

    Mar 18, 08:26 PM
    Don't care how many times this has been regurgitated...

    I paid money for the file. I dont care about the license. I dont own my books, my software, my music, my life, my anything if I sit back and shut up. So the only issue here that bothers me is that short term, this could affect how I get my music and what I pay for it. Long term? It wont make a damn bit of difference... RIAA will eventually lose this war.

    Apr 28, 09:09 AM
    So, we're looking at a decade-long fad that turned the industry on its head, completely changed the way we consume and acquire music - changing the face of the music industry itself, and which led to the next generation of mobile devices. This fad also continues to sell, though in lower numbers, because the other identical fad includes phone functionality and accordingly sells in record numbers each quarter.

    Some fad. Most companies would trade their established products in order to get in on some of these mysterious "long-term" fads that change the face of consumer tech. Would you like it better if we call them "ultra fads" or "super fads"? :confused:

    I agree, the ipod was a very sucessful line of MP3 players and made more buy PMP than would have previously (if we class walkmans and portable CD players as PMP's)

    The ipods rise and decline can be explained by something called the product lifecyle. Most products go through it. Here is a nice diagram to show the lifecycle.

    Ipad is currently in the growth stage, Ipod on the other hand is in decline

    May 5, 05:38 PM
    iphone user since day 1.. I was verizon prior.. I live in central NJ, commute into NYC.. my service is so awful that I no longer talk on the phone.. seriously, my communication habits have changed.

    At home, I drop literally half of my calls inside and out, on the road, a little less but still a joke by any standard. If you check the map, I live in a high coverage, full 3G zone, it's not like I live in the sticks....

    When I first upgraded to the 3GS from my 2G, I noticed a marked improvement so I thought maybe it was the original 2G phone, but now, over the last few weeks the service has gotten so bad that I am ready to dump it and move on. I really just need a phone that works and doesn't give me high blood pressure every time I pick it up to get on a call.

    The problem is that the iPhone and some of the apps I utilize have become integral parts of my workflow, so it won't be an easy change.

    Yesterday I called AT&T for the first time in months and just yelled at everyone I could until I was good and satisfied. I've already gotten them to give me refunds (several time) it's not about the money anymore.

    I just really wish they'd invest some of the loads of cash they're taking to upgrade their network, especially in the busiest metro areas that are the hardest hit. Or perhaps maybe even invent a new method relieve pressure on their network (something along the lines of the micro-cell but more widespread)?

    They should also RUSH the micro cell to all markets immediately, and GIVE it to people! Seriously.. for the money we pay, they should GIVE the microcell away to anyone on AT&T who will take it. It will relieve pressure on their network and possibly save them from additional towers.

    The device is cheap comparatively .. and we are the ones who are paying for the internet connection that it utilizes! For the nearly $6,000 I've given AT&T over the last 3 years (we have 3 iPhones on a plan) I think it's only fair they give us a service that at the very least they are trying to improve.

    You are talking logically and trying to make sense of what AT&T is doing.
    Good luck with that!
    Now that the 3G iPad is out, you can say goodbye to those fast data speeds.
    AT&T blows, but that said, I have noticed faster connection rates with phones other than the iPhone using the same sim, just never in NYC.

    Sep 21, 01:33 PM
    What are you a comedian? Give me a break. I expected this sort of reaction. It's very easy to say that when you're not the one being effected by this.

    Hey at least you guys had U2 before we did.:)

    Mar 28, 09:34 AM
    I should go to bed now. But before I do that, maybe a question will help explain part of my point about the difference between me and a property might gain or lose. If I asked "Who are you?" when we happened to see each other, would you reply that you were gay? I doubt it. You probably would say, "I'm Lee Kohler."

    Yes, I would. But being gay is not a property I will ever lose. It's as much a part of me as my green eyes.

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