Saturday, May 14, 2011

white tail spider bite symptoms

white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms swelling.
  • spider bite symptoms swelling.

  • pdjudd
    Oct 7, 03:31 PM
    Just like Mac OS X would gain market share if you could install it on any PC.

    No, they most likely wouldn't. There is no reason to think that it would - it's conjecture. (

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms swelling.
  • spider bite symptoms swelling.

    Apr 12, 10:38 PM
    And so is this new version $299 which is a deal compared to the $999 for FCS. Heck MSRP on FCE is $199 so with a student discount this new version is very reasonably priced. Which leads me to think this is probably a stand alone app and it does not include all the goodies of FCS like DVD Studio Pro, Compressor, etc..

    Is this correct thinking?

    And if so does this mean that FCS will be broke into apps? How much for the other apps?

    Hurry up and wait, the apple way.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. I captured a White-tailed
  • I captured a White-tailed

  • Apple OC
    Mar 15, 10:01 PM
    I did a little reading and now am a one minute expert... :p

    I've read these reactors did auto shut down when the earthquake hit. The problem is that the rods create tremendous persistent heat even after a shutdown, and it is the lack of cooling water that is causing the problem.

    Could it be considered a myth that any nuclear reactor can be expected to automatically safely shutdown when power to all safety systems are lost no matter how it is designed?

    And who was saying this could not be like Chernobyl??

    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and Russia was not very open to outside help ... no matter how bad this escalades ... somehow this will be contained.

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  • spider bite symptoms australia

  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 11:01 PM
    Perhaps I missed something but these all appear to be acts of violence against homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, they are horrible acts but I believe that CaoCao specifically stated acts motivated by mainstream Catholicism.

    exactly, subtract the gangs, the mentally unstable, the non-Catholics and the inconclusively because the victim was homosexual and see where we are

    white tail spider bite symptoms. red back spider bite symptoms.
  • red back spider bite symptoms.

  • jegbook
    Apr 12, 03:30 PM
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    If this already got covered, I apologize.

    Sounds like a job for the Dock. The default mode of the Windows 7 Taskbar is very Dock-like. They both generally seem like a handy place to keep your most commonly used applications.
    (I Win 7, you Pin to the Taskbar with the default behavior, which turns the whole Taskbar into a Quicklaunch area. Though it is possible to revert to XP-like behavior with a Quicklaunch and worded application references to the right of the Quicklaunch.)

    I don't use the right side of the Dock in anything but "Folder" and "List" view. I still miss how Tiger (OS 10.4.x) treated Aliases (shortcuts) of folders: you could see the actual contents of the folder you aliased. Since Leopard, it just allows you to open the folder in a new Finder window. Poo. I created folders with aliases to all of my applications as I've categorized them for years.
    (For the record, aliases and shortcuts are similar, but not the same. Worth googling to confirm the subtle differences.)

    Strict keyboard navigation is tougher. If you like it, be sure to turn on Full Keyboard access for All Controls in the Keyboard Shortcuts section of the Keyboard Preference Pane.

    I miss the split window of Windows Explorer: Folder List on the left, contents on the right. I use Column View most of the time for Finder Windows (Command-3) and sometimes List View (Command-2) if I'm specifically interested in file/folder details. I don't think there are any third party navigation tools that replicate that, either.

    If your're getting a laptop, the trackpad is awesome. Nothing like it in Windows that I'm aware of.

    I think Control Panels are easier and more straightforward in OS X, called System Preferences with Preference Panes. I think Control Panels got even more convoluted with Vista/Win7 from XP. That said, the Windows gives much more granularity of control than OS X, but many things can be modified with some third party help (you HAVE to check out Tinker Tool).

    Is it worth it? Hard to say. If you spend most of your computing in an office with Windows computers in a Windows domain? I say not worth switching. You *can* do everything, but I find it often a little more time consuming than I find it in Windows.
    If most of your computing is for personal use and/or you're not integrating into a Windows domain environment? Then I'd say whatever software you need to run and personal preference can drive the decision.

    Good luck!

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms swelling.
  • spider bite symptoms swelling.

  • WiiDSmoker
    May 6, 07:21 AM
    I'm not letting AT&T off easily, but I still argue that half of the problem is the iPhone itself. When I'm the only person with an iPhone and everyone else around me is on old cell phones on the same network and they have 5 bars and I have no signal, there's a problem.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms and
  • spider bite symptoms and

  • hcho3
    Nov 12, 12:35 AM
    Jesus christ...
    I cannot wait for iphone to go to verizon, so you all whiners can get off the AT&T network. My signal with AT&T is not perfect, but it is good enough to meet my standards. I get 2-3 drop calls out of 50 calls I make. So, it it not OMFG.

    Verizon service is better in my area, but it is not that much better. Verizon pissed me off enough with their poor customer service in the past. It will take me more than good signals to go back to VZ.

    People seem to think like Verizon will save all of us from AT&T signal issues. Yea... sure....
    We will see. We will see.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms
  • spider bite symptoms

  • *LTD*
    May 2, 09:55 AM
    Mac OS X fanboys really need to stop clinging to the mentality that "viruses" don't exist for OS X

    They don't.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms. spider
  • spider bite symptoms. spider

  • acslater017
    Apr 15, 10:50 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?

    Man, being a fat kid in high school. That was rough. There were a number of cool, popular gay guys in my school. I'm sure they took some crap from some people, but oh how I would have rather been one of them! But hey, I'm still here, I'm still alive.

    Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    There's nothing wrong with focusing on a particular issue. The Japan tsunami is not the only suffering going on in the world, but people raise money and raise awareness about it cuz it wouldn't make sense to rally around "fix everything".

    white tail spider bite symptoms. +spider+ite+symptoms
  • +spider+ite+symptoms

  • Eidorian
    Sep 26, 10:29 AM
    Pardon Me But Would You Please Track Down The Link To That Card And IM Me and post it here? I need it NOW! Thanks.

    I will be on this thread until the Mac Pro Clovertown option ships. :D

    This is the Mac Pro I have been waiting for.

    I know they're making a PCI Express, DDR2, SATA II version though. Old news to me...

    white tail spider bite symptoms. +spider+ite+symptoms
  • +spider+ite+symptoms

  • Icekill
    Apr 7, 04:44 AM
    Really interesting thread for me, as i'm a "soon to be" switcher.

    I ordered today a Macbook Pro from They offer an 8% discount and i had also a 250€ gift coupon there, so i got it for around 1750€, 400€ less than in the Apple store. Probably will use that money saved to buy an SSD once it's more clear which ones will be fully supported and if it's worth it to buy the newer SATA ones or just go with old ones like Vertex II, etc.

    It should arrive at my home in Spain on Monday/Tuesday and i'm so excited reading all that i can about Mac OS X.

    I have been working with Msdos/Windows PCs for 20 years and in the past 5 years also with linux (mainly for work, admin web servers by command line). So i guess it's going to be an step learning curve at first, but it has me excited, not worried at all.

    I have always been curious about mac, and tired of being told all the time by friends in my same biz sector (web design/online marketing) how much their productivity increased after switching to mac. So i decided to try it myself too.

    Most if not all the software i use daily have Mac versions, so i shouldn't have issues with that (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Firefox/Chrome, Thunderbird, Putty, Ultraedit, Filezilla, Trillian, MSOffice, ssh client).

    I also play games from time to time, but for that i'll use Bootcamp with Windows 7.

    For work i'll plug the macbook pro into my current 24" monitor, and i have also wireless Logitech mouse and keyboard, but i'm thinking about buying Mac ones to have a similar keyboard layout and fingers gestures than i will in the macbook pro.

    My main questions are:

    1) Is there any better mac software equivalent to the one i listed that i use daily?

    2) Is the mac command line a full unix one, with same commands, etc? As i said i'm used to linux command line from managing my web servers, and if i can write shell scripts in mac, it could save me good time.

    Thanks for this nice thread that was very informative about the main differences/issues i'll find when switching over to Mac.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms. LarryC
  • spider bite symptoms. LarryC

  • CQd44
    May 2, 09:16 AM
    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

    If this is safari specific, it shouldn't be that big. How many people *really* use it?

    white tail spider bite symptoms. Spider Bite Symptoms amp;
  • Spider Bite Symptoms amp;

  • Doctor Q
    Mar 18, 06:10 PM
    I think most people would pay .25$ a song and drop their music theft (if they did thieve.)No doubt there are some such people, but I have the feeling that most consumers aren't making a price-sensitive decision about this.

    If they buy online music legally, it may be because they believe in following rules in general, or fear breaking the law, or want to support the business model, or understand and accept the DRM tradeoffs, or think 99 cents is a bargain, or have enough money for the music they want, or think they are helping the artists, or don't even know how to steal music, etc.

    If they steal online music, it may be because they feel any price is too much, or because artists are not getting enough of their money, or big business is bad, or DRM is a violation of their rights, or that it's ok because they couldn't afford to buy the music, or that it actually helps increase sales since they might buy the audio CD from a store if they like it, etc.

    In other words, I think most people follow their principles, one way or another. And we'll continue to hear all of these points of view.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms. recluse
  • spider bite symptoms. recluse

  • HBOC
    Mar 11, 01:44 AM
    Scary. The videos they are showing are just incredible. Hopefully the worst of it is over and the loss of life is minimal.

    My thoughts and prayers are with everyone over there.

    I am betting the death toll is going to be in the tens of thousands, but let's hope I am horribly wrong.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. Hobo+spider+ite+symptoms
  • Hobo+spider+ite+symptoms

  • spaceballl
    Mar 18, 09:25 AM
    To be honest, I'm not too upset by this. I've used an iPhone for tethering via jailbreak long before the official support came. I did that fully knowing that I was breaking the rules, and that ATT might mess with me, but they didn't offer an official plan so I knew the risks. I still jailbreak my phone and use MyWi, but I pay for an official tethering plan so I'm not breaking the rules.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms treatment
  • spider bite symptoms treatment

  • NathanMuir
    Apr 24, 11:49 AM
    I figured I'd use this wonderful Easter Sunday (a day spent celebrating the beginning of Spring and absolutely nothing else), to pose a question that I have.... What's the deal with religious people? After many a spirited thread about religion, I still can't wrap my head around what keeps people in the faith nowadays. I'm not talking about those people in third world nations, who have lived their entire lives under religion and know of nothing else. I'm talking about your Americans (North and South), your Europeans, the people who have access to any information they want to get (and some they don't) who should know better by now. And yet, in thread after thread, these people still swear that their way is the only way. No matter what logic you use, they can twist the words from their holy books and change the meaning of things to, in their minds, completely back up their point of view. Is it stubbornness, the inability to admit that you were wrong about something so important for so long? Is it fear? If I admit this is BS, I go to hell? Simple ignorance? Please remember, I'm not talking about just believing in a higher power, I mean those who believe in religion, Jews, Christian, etc.

    If you strike a bias and confrontational tone, you get one in return. ;)

    And people wonder why PRSI conversations revolve in endless circles, rehashing the same tired subject matter...

    white tail spider bite symptoms. recluse spider bite symptoms.
  • recluse spider bite symptoms.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 12:41 PM
    I agree with you, brother. God bless you.
    Is est a subcribo of contradictio frater

    white tail spider bite symptoms. spider bite symptoms
  • spider bite symptoms

  • Lau
    Aug 29, 10:57 AM
    It's a tough one. I'd like to think that we could vote with our wallets over something like this, but unfortunately I need a computer, and there's no way I'm not using OSX.

    I'd like to think we could still complain about it, but "Apple's annual shareholder meetings have seen frequent protests from environmental groups" makes me think that they don't really give a toss, which is bad, mmkay.

    I don't really see why if Dell can do it, Apple can't.

    white tail spider bite symptoms. Wolf+spider+ite+symptoms
  • Wolf+spider+ite+symptoms

  • arn
    Oct 7, 04:51 PM
    Originally posted by samdweck
    well then just get the heck out of here, leave, please, it may happen soon! godspeed!

    Sam... you need to chill.

    Personal attacks and pure emotional posts are not very helpful. The point of this site is not to be Pro-Mac at all costs.

    A fast enough Pentium will beat a 1.25GHz G4. How fast the Pentium has to be appears to be a point of contention... but that's all it is... as long as people keep it civil... it's cool.

    Besides, alex_ant's post was a joke. Slow down, and read the intent of the posts.


    May 5, 01:23 PM
    I honestly can say no dropped calls for me in Boulder and when traveling to Golden and Evergreen CO using At&t since 2005 with an iphone and LG phone since then. From all the posts saying works here...doesn't work here, seems there must be more to the issue!?

    A 'joke' that came to mind is some folks energy vibe might be quite low that it must be sucking the calls connecting waves right out of the phone and thus dropping calls:p

    Oct 7, 01:51 PM
    Android is gonna take iPhone TO THE GROUND!

    It's not a part of your system.


    generally speaking, a company that only makes software (google) has higher profit margins compared to a company that makes hardware and software..(apple)

    I don't see how Google, who licenses Android for free, has a higher profit margin than Apple, who sells the hardware (at a price), and the software (at a price to iPod touch users). I think Apple has higher margins in that aspect.

    Google might have indirect revenue sources due to manufacturers licensing Android (ads, etc), but I don't believe there is any direct revenue. I stand to be corrected.

    Apr 23, 04:01 PM
    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.It's good to hear that, unlike anybody else, you have a reason for your stance. Otherwise we might have to put you down as "intellectually lazy", too.

    May 3, 05:19 PM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    Just look at the monster negative vote rating against anyone who ever criticizes Apple or anything remotely related (i.e. typical fanboy mass attack; they can't let blasphemy just go bye :D ). Frankly, I'm starting to think the lower the number on your post in most threads on such topics, the SMARTER you are. I know I usually give props to all the messages with the lowest scores since they are usually the only ones to tell the truth (kind of like listening to the Tea Party for advice; most are clueless fanatics and not much else).

    I mean just look at the number for your post. You told the 100% gospel truth. There IS malware for the Mac (even if it's not very dangerous) and pointed out the truth that most fanboys on here are getting completely bent out of shape and acting immature with their sarcasm. You were at -20 right before I hit reply in a thread where the average number is +/-2.

    If someone can find me a set of Macintosh 'fanboy free' forums (as in fanboy accounts are deleted once recognized as such, themselves being a form of spam IMO), I'd love to know about it. It'd eliminate 95% of the total worthless fluff. Just think how much extra time one would have to do other things instead of wading through a cesspool of useless junk every day. ;)

    Why do Mac users get less infections? My belief is that the users may be of higher quality, ONLY because of the computers niche-like nature and most Mac users are dedicated, technologically knowledgable.

    You must not get around much. Most Mac users I see everyday are technological neophytes. The Mac is designed to attract non-tech users so this shouldn't be a shock or anything. The difference I see is that most Mac users THINK they know 10-50x more than they actually do. Yes there are some very knowledgeable Mac users out there, but they are not in the majority by a long shot, IMO. The sheer volumes of drone-like fanboys on these forums ought to give you a clue just how bad it really is.

    Apr 23, 12:49 AM
    The ad at the top is calling us out.
    >>I'm referring to an ad that says "Learn grammar punctuation."

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